Meet Annie

Breed: Tabby
Birthday: July 11, 2002

Annie is our oldest cat. She was abandoned by her mother and found in the back alley of a scrapbook store when she was just a few weeks old.  When Lisa arrived at the store for an evening of scrap booking with her friends she had no idea that she was going to be coming home that night with an adorable baby kitten.  It was love at first sight, and she has been our perfect little princess ever since.

Annie is very graceful and doesn't get involved with the kitty politics in our house.  Because she is always minding her own business she never gets blamed for any of the kitty chaos.  She is a very tiny cat weighing in at just over 8 pounds, because as a kitten she contracted a terrible parasite.  It is such a miracle that she survived and today seems healthy in every way.  The only lasting impact is her small frame and some irritable bowel issues that flare up from time to time, but we are able to keep things pretty well under control with diet.  Annie loves to play outside and sleep in the sun or under bushes.  Her favorite thing is to chase water coming from the sprinklers in the summer time.  She is a great little huntress, loves to play string with her mommies, and have the orange spot on her forehead rubbed.  She is not a morning person and often curls up like a potato bug with one paw over her eyes when the light comes on in the morning.  She likes to sleep on Kristin at night and drools when she is really happy.  The rings on her tail look like a rattlesnake and just like a snake her "rattle" will start moving around and give warning to tell you she wants to be left alone.