Meet Kitka

Breed: Russian Blue
Birthday: April 21, 2003

Kitka is the baby of our family at almost 6 months younger than "the boys."  Lisa dreamed about Kitka the night she was born.  In her dream she was telling her mom about a big grey cat that a co-worker had given her.  Lisa had been wanting a baby boy kitten and had been anxiously waiting the arrival of the new kittens.  She was surprised to come to work the day after her dream to learn they had been born during the night.  When she found out that only one kitten in the litter was all gray she just "knew" that it was the little boy she had wanted.  Fast forward a few weeks and surprise!  It was a girl!!!!  A little disappointed, but determined to keep the cat from her dream, Lisa brought home a little gray girl a few months later and named her Kitka after the alias for Cat Woman from the original Bat Man series/movies with Adam West.  (What else do you name a girl cat when you had hoped for a boy but Cat Woman?)  The name is actually an acronym for Kitanya Irenya Tantanya Karenska Alisoff, the Russian spy, but in the movie people call her Miss Kitka for short.  Her all grey "cat suit" and being a "Russian Blue" made her perfect for the name.  Lisa always hoped that she'd walk into the vet, or be talking to the Petsmart clerk, and some die hard Bat Man fan would catch the reference and have a little chuckle, but to this day, that still hasn't happened.  (Turns out Lisa probably isn't as clever as she thinks she is).

Anyway, the name stuck, and it suits Kitka just fine.  She is our little villaness.  She loves to scratch and hiss and is first to pick a fight for no reason.  She doesn't take kindly to strangers and if it's your first time visiting she likley won't even give you the privlige of seeing her.  She has a sweet side too though.  She loves to get brushed and snuggle in bed at night.  She has a favorite blanket that she sleeps with, a tie quilt and she still "nurses" on the tassels every day.  She loves to be picked up backwards and lean her whole body into a giant streach, and will sometimes allow Lisa to pick her up forwards to do the same thing and then lay over her shoulder for some love afterwards.  Kika is very obedient and always comes when called, especially at bed time, it is her favorite!  She loves summer and likes to spend long hours outside chasing grasshoppers.  Even though she is very clumsy, and not a very quiet or skilled huntress, she is very good at catching them and brining them home.