Sunday, November 13, 2011


About a week before Halloween we let Riley have his own "Friends" party with the kids in our neighborhood.  Riley made a lot of great friends when he lived with us and doesn't get to see them much anymore.  Most of the kids who came know Riley from his primary class in our ward, and since I taught that class for 4 years, it was especially fun for me to see all of my kids together again.

Me with my old primary class, Riley, Britton, Alex, and Abbie
First, we decorated pumpkins and candy bags
Our cute neighbor Gabby
Then we played a bobbing for apples game

We mixed "witches brew" which bubbled and turned different colors to determine the order of the games and activities.
Relay races and outside games
We were lucky to have such beautiful weather at the end of October!

Another potion to see what we'll do next

Next was a treasure hunt and finding clues.

On the hunt
A race to the finish!

Finally, the treasure!  The Ghost of the Great Pumpkin

Lining up to break the piñata.
I love how happy Riley is in this picture!
Gathering candy
The party ended with a cake walk and prizes.
One more final group shot!  Our first kids only party was a success!
 After the kids all left, my family came over for a scaled down version of our annual pumpkin carving party.

Anneli and Catherine ran the Provo half marathon earlier in the day and were exhausted by the time they arrived at my house.  They had some soup for dinner then headed home for some rest.
I made my first attempt at cake bites.  They turned out well, but I learned shortly after taking this picture, that they are too top heavy to stand up for long when placed in a cupcake.
Riley and Granny enjoying dinner
Riley's favorite activity of the day was making the "witches brew" at the kids party.  I mixed up another batch so he could show Granny and Grandpa how it works.  First you start with clear water.
Then mix in a spoon full of white powder that either turns a color or foams up and bubbles over (that one was Riley's favorite),
Here is the completed set
The audience watches
Riley is the only one who ended carving a pumpkin at the party this year.  This was his masterpiece.

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