I've wanted to update the blog for a little while now, but haven't really had anything to say... still don't, but for some reason that isn't stopping me today. Mostly I like playing with the nieces and nephews and posting cute pictures of them (and I do have some of Riley and Gabby at Raging Waters coming), but today I'm opting for a post that is a more accurate reflection of the mood that I've been in lately. Things have been going pretty crappy in Lisaland and my desk job at The Children's Center and home life persona of mild mannered kitty mommy and primary leader, just hasn't been providing the stress relief I need to offset the rage and agony of the other hat that I've been wearing a lot of which is executor of my mom's estate and "go to" person for major family problems. My apologies to anyone who has encountered my wrath latley. I'm working on it, I really am.
Here's where I'm going to play after work tonight...
The Muay Thai Institute and Fitness Center |
I'm very excited! Not only am I going to get to hit stuff and release all of my pent up energy (I hope), I'm going to cross "boxing" off my bucket list. It is something that I've wanted to do forever! Well, at least since becoming a die hard Balboa fan back in highschool. Let's just take a moment to remember the man shall we?
I think I feel a Rocky movie night coming on. Anybody wanna come?
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