He's cute, but cats and sidewalk chalk don't mix. |
Rainbow Sparkus! |
Here is Riley all decked out in his Disney Pirate gear that he got from Catherine for his Birthday. |
Here's Annie with Kitka checking out her Birthday Present. |
It's a grooming ring on the outside with a scratching surface lined with catnip on the inside. |
She likes it! |
Me and the Birthday Boy! |
(Actually, this picture was taken yesterday in anticipation of not having enough time before heading out today... good thing too because it was a close call. Mornings just aren't my thing.) |
Karen's turn for the pillow contest |
1st stop of the day was to a local farmers market |
I should have taken some pictures of the food as it was fabulous. Everyone enjoyed the party. |
Then out to break piƱatas, which would have been much more fun had it not been 111 degrees outside (I'm not joking about that, it's what my phone registered the as the "feel"). |
Then we headed to what we heard was a really pretty waterfall at Chagrin Falls. We were a little nervous when we got there that this was it. |
It looks a little better with the artistic flowers in the front shot. |
At least the town was cute to walk though |
We went exploring in search for the falls |
Finally, we found it! |
Although the falls were lovely, even Niagara Falls wouldn't have been worth it in this heat, so we really only had one choice. Grab some ice cream on the way back to the car and... |
... go home and crash! |
There is a pretty little atrium below. |
How can I get one of these in my house? My kitties would LOVE it! All the fun of outside, no bugs. |
Laying on the circular bench below looking up. That is Kristin and Karen looking down at me :). |
That evening,we drove down to the Blossom Music Festival to hear the Cleavland Orchestra in this awesome outdoor amphitheatre. |
The orchestra was conducted by Jahja Ling who was AWESOME! |
The orchestra played music from Mozart and Chopin and featured world renouned pianist Emanuel Ax. Thanks Karen and Brian for treating us to this amazing night! |
After Kristin's submission to the Pillow Contest we headed out for the day. |
First Stop was Squires Castle. |
It was literally a castle randomly placed on the edge of the woods. |
So, who was this guy? Can you read that small? |
It's crazy to think someone actually once lived here. |
Inside the castle. Do you like Kristin and my matching outfits? |
Attempted artistic shot of Brian and Kristin looking through the window. |
What a cute family. |
This is about 10 steps behind the castle into the woods. How would you like for that view to be your back yard? |
Every part of the forest was so beautiful and Ohio is covered with trees and spectacular shades of green everywhere you look. |
Look close- there is a spider on that leaf. |
The door to the store is original to the building. Here is Kristin through the same wooden frame that Joseph Smith did many times. |
The missionaries telling us all about the storage room in the store and how Newel K. Whitney would often give away things to people in need or barter and trade with them if they didn't have money. |
This table is original to the building. It is the actual piece of furniture that Joesph Smith worked from. |
It's amazing to think of these pioneers carrying such beatuiful things with them |
Inside the Whitney red store. The big tub was for laundry as well as a bathtub. |
A "Feast of the poor" was held in this house where women would cook for days and serve meals to people who needed it most. |
The pewter bulb in the crib is a baby bottle. |
Bedroom off the dining area. |
Same bedroom with amazing quilts and Newel K. Whitney's original chair. |
The sitting room, (that is me artistically placed in the mirror). |
The Visitor Center had some really amazing things... |
...A bible that shows how Joseph Smith's translations were written right on top of the original pages, |
2nd Addition Book of Moromon, |
Handwritten Word of Wisdom, |
1st edition D&C, |
Images from Egyptian manuscripts translated by Joseph Smith |
Beginins of the Pearl of Great Price |
Model of the Kirtland Temple that we are going to visit later |
Image of Christ appearing to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple |
This is a replica of the Ashery owned by N.K. Whitney |
It had a saw mill and prepared wood to build the Kirtland Temple. These are the pulpits in progress. |
Kristin standing by some pretty gardens. |
Next Stop... The Kirtland Temple! |
This was my artistic attempt at a photograph. We took a tour of the inside, but photographs aren't allowed. There are millions of pictures of the inside if you google it though. |
Even though we had already done so much in one day, we decided to do more and headed to Amish Country for dinner. |
The horse and buggies share lanes with the cars. |
Here's a traffic sign you won't see in Salt Lake. |
Kristin and I took a turn :). |
Hey, watch where you park that thing! |
We took the scenic route home to pass by this beautiful light house. (I had never seen one up close before). |
Another view of the light house. |
Pretty boats docked at the lake. |
We got treated to a beautiful sunset on the drive back, but our day wasn't over yet. After going back to Kirtland we got to attend opening night of "This is Kirtland" which is a musical production of the saints settling in Kirtland and told a lot of the stories that we learned about today. It also had a bunch of Karen and Brian's institute kids performing in it. |
The play was great and reminded me of when my mom used to drag us pagent hoping all around Utah to learn about church history... good memories :). |