Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Nine Years Down, Nine to Go!

Today is Riley's Birthday!  I can't believe he is 9 years old.  Today he crosses over the half way point of his childhood and in less than 9 years he will be a legal adult.  It's crazy to think about.  We are on the down hill slope :).  To celebrate I took him out to lunch at Leatherby's and we had our own mini party right in the middle of the restaurant.
Riley opening his presents.  We gave him a photo collage with pictures of him with Granny and a Kirtland Temple t-shirt.  I can't believe I didn't take any pictures of the actual presents, how uncharacteristic of me.

We were the only people in the restaurant and the staff seemed super bored.  They gave us a ton of attention, let us light candles on the cake I brought and all came and wished Riley a Happy Birthday and sang to him.  I think he really liked it.
I asked Riley what the "Best and Worst" of the past year was (this is a game we used to play for birthdays at a job I had a long time ago).  He said that the best was all of the presents he's gotten this past year, and after a little prompting, he agreed that going to Hawaii and getting baptized were pretty good too.  He had a hard time thinking of a worst, (which is probably a good sign that his head is mostly filled with happy thoughts).  When I said "What about Granny dieing?" he replied with, "Yeah, that's the worst, but it was probably a best for her because she got to see her mom and dad again."  How cute is that?  What a sweet boy.  He decided later that his worst was that the Nurf gun he got this morning didn't come with anything to shoot and told me "it was a scam."  What a funny kid :).

Me and the Birthday Boy!
Happy Birthday Riley!!  We love you a TON!

1 comment:

  1. How fun!!! Riley is lucky to have the best aunt in the world. Happy Birthday Riley! :)
